Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

15 weeks, 2 days

Well, it's been a crazy week for us.

Last Wednesday, Aubrey and I went to the scary Buy Buy Baby to register for all of our baby gear. Based on the size of the store, I think this should have taken us 4 hours. However, because we had done lots of research- including asking some of my brilliant "mom" friends what their favorite baby gear was- it only took us about an hour and a half.

Needless to say, Newton Swinson will be set for their first week of life if we get everything on the registry. I am a little obsessed with checking it daily for updates. I LOVE seeing what our amazing family and friends purchase for him/her.

Speaking of him/her, we'll officially find out what Newton REALLY is on September 27 at 11 a.m. I have to go to the Women's Institute (perinatologist) for a high risk anatomy screening. I am really nervous. Nervous about his/her general health and also to finally know what it is. It's kind of magical not knowing and I do feel a bit of pressure to produce a certain grandchild that can wear smocked dresses and big hairbows.

Newton attended his/her first Clemson football game last Saturday. Of course, I didn't take any pictures... It was nice and "cool" at the tailgate but as soon as we went into the game, I thought I was going to die from heat exhaustion. We had a good time but I think I might wait until October to go back. Maybe....

We finally ordered the crib last night!! Woohoo. It said it would ship in 3 -4 weeks so we expect it by the end of September, beginning of October. I hope to have the office/nursery cleared out by then so we'll have a place to put it. The nursery's closet is slowly starting to fill up with packs of diapers and other random baby things that people give us- so nice!!

I can't wait to purchase the changing table/dresser so we have a place to put some of this stuff!! We're going to a children's furniture store in Greenville this weekend that all my Greenville friends swear by so we'll see what we find... my plan is to purchase all the nursery stuff before the holidays so we can financially and emotionally enjoy those. Then, in January, we'll see what we're still missing from a gear perspective and stock up on the rest. Whew!!

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