Has anyone else noticed how Molly is in almost every shot. She is ALWAYS under my feet. This is why I have to lock her in the mudroom during the day while I work. She doesn't understand "working from home."
We were just about to head out the door for our infant CPR class so I look super tired. Check out my hot outfit- jeans AND tennis shoes. Yep, besides my one pair of black Reef flip flops, these are the only shoes that fit and they're barely tied. When it gets lower that 40 degrees, I declare it too cold for flip flops (even in my condition) and attempt to put on my tennis shoes.
Saturday morning we woke up and it was FREEZING in the house. The thermostats were set to 64 (yes, I'm cheap) but the thermometers were showing that it was only 52 degrees. Turns to find out we ran out of heating oil. Now, excuse me while I tease Aubrey for a moment here. I asked him to check the oil levels BEFORE he went to Arizona in case I went into labor and we had no heat to bring our baby home to. He got really busy and forgot. At least it didn't go off that week but it sure did this weekend.
He called the oil company who couldn't bring the oil until Monday morning so we braved the frigid temperatures all weekend. Luckily we had one space heater already and Aubrey had one at his office so we just kept them near us and wore extra layers. It wasn't too bad. It was super cold but not too bad. If the baby had been home, we would have had to go to Richmond (to Aubrey's parents) for the weekend, but for the two of us and the dogs, it was kind of like an adventure albeit a cold one.
This fun adventure finally made us go out and buy a fireplace screen and tools and some wood. However, based on our luck with this house, we were nervous the whole place would burn to the ground so we took some preventive measures...
And that's Aubrey checking to make sure the chimney is opened enough and there's not a ton of build-up from past tenants.
They came this morning to put some oil in the tank. Their minimum delivery is 1o0 gallons. That set us back $384 and might last us a month. WHAT??????????????????????? Get me out of this house. I am starting to look for a new house with forced heat and city water for us to move into this December. I am so over this.
Anyway, the moving company also sent their appraiser/repair guy over to inspect the damage from the move (broken glass in our wedding invitation frame, missing lamp harps and finials, broken cake plate, oh, and a huge hole in our Pottery Barn wooden sleigh bed).
He was able to fix the bed but didn't tell us that he would be using chemicals and we couldn't sleep on the bed for 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even go upstairs right now because it's making me so nauseous. Oh well, at least it's fixed.
Current temperature downstairs: 60 degrees. Hoping to make it to 64 by nighttime.
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