Cay is five months pregnant and is WAY more laid back than I think I'll be at that point. I definitely need a dose of whatever she's on. I even had the bartender make me a "mocktail" so Cay wouldn't know I wasn't drinking. Water and cranberry looks just like a vodka cranberry in case you are wondering... :)
So, here are my symptoms this week:
1. Insomnia: I was a great sleeper. No, I was a fantastic sleeper. I slept 8 - 9 hours per night. That didn't make me lots of fun for nighttime parties, but my body needed it.
Not anymore. I fall asleep right away because I'm exhausted. Then around 2 a.m. I either wake up to potty and cannot fall back asleep until around 4:30 a.m. or I get severe night sweats and wake up freezing and then cannot fall back asleep (more on those next). Now, I expected not to be able to sleep when I had a basketball under my pajamas in 5 or 6 months, but now???
I asked the nurse on Wednesday when I went in for bloodwork and she said it's because of hormones. Great. Sometimes it gets better after the first trimester, sometimes not.
Double great. At least Jimmy Fallon is replayed during this time. There's nothing like laughing out loud at 3 a.m. all by yourself...
2. Night Sweats: I mean, maybe I'm going through menopause. Does this mean, I'm going to have the same symptoms then??? Where is the morning sickness and food aversions everyone else gets. I just get old lady symptoms.
Night sweats are disgusting. I wake up drenched from head to toe. Then within 10 minutes I am FREEZING. Like shivering, teeth chattering cold. So I know keep a pile of warm clothes IN the bed with me to assist with this fun project. This morning I woke up in my nightgown covered with a long sleeve t-shirt, Christmas pajama pants and black socks. It was the quickest stuff I could find at 2:30 a.m. this morning.
I'm not sure what causes these. I'm sure it's "hormones." I'll be sure to ask at the doctor's next week.
3. Burping: I am still burping all the time. Gross.
4. Exhaustion: By about 5 p.m., it's all I can do to reheat leftovers for dinner. Then I crawl upstairs into bed. I'm sure some of this is the pregnancy and some is the fact that my body is no longer getting the sleep it's used to.
Those are the main ones right now. Don't get me wrong, I am totally not complaining about the above. In fact, I kind of love waking up in the middle of the night because of the baby. It helps me remember that he/she is still with me. I guess it's good practice for March 2012.
I'm still working out with my trainer three times per week. We've lightened the weights I'm lifting and are focusing on more body weight activities: wall squats, push ups, side and regular planks, etc. I really hope to continue working out throughout the entire pregnancy. As long as I feel okay, I'm going to do it!